Jan 17, 2010

Number 3...

I have so many items to update but it's late and number 3 is the best that I can do right now. I have been trying to get in better shape, fit into a smaller size and overall just feel attractive again for a LONG time. And since you have been on that journey with me I thought it only fitting to make this my number 3.

Today I started a new program that is hard core working out, eating, planning, blah, blah, blah. But that isn't the new experience. My new experience was standing in front of two friends in my bra and underwear while they took "before" pictures, measurements and read my weight and body fat out loud! That is the new part. I put who I am fully out there for others to actually see and have to trust that they aren't home now talking about how I looked.

And while inside my heart was pounding and my mind racing with anxiety, I was able to laugh at myself again. I was able to say...this is who I am good or bad. And that is definitely a new experience.


Shawn said...

Oh---you are brave! I just got myself a new scale and I was horrified that it made my weight so much more than my last one.... I was depressed for a few days.

Renaissance Woman said...

Amen to that! I was so depressed and then I couldn't even comfort myself with a pint of ice cream! Maybe I just need a new scale.

Unknown said...

reading this...I feel a beautiful feeling...cause letting others "see" you IS beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are brave. The other night my husband took out the tape measure and I measured my waist. Sadly, that was not a good moment for me.