Dec 2, 2008

Not that interesting

I have loved this blog. And over the last couple of years I have had no readers, some readers, more readers and now maybe not so many readers again. I get it....I totally get it! I may not be so interesting right now. So maybe I'll take a break until I have something interesting to share. I hope that means I could return tomorrow...but I'm okay if it takes longer.

Update...So it's been an hour and I just had the most random, crazy thing happen that made me write again. So maybe it's not going to be that interesting, but right now I just need to say it.

My grandfather was a widow at a young age. Years later he decided to marry again, a women 20 years younger (so that he wouldn't have to become a widow again) and it has been the most ridiculous union ever!!!!! Hi wife, and that is actually the nicest name I can use for her, is an unhappy, uncaring, selfish woman who has admitted to waiting for him to die so that she can move back to be with her family in NJ. Yep...doesn't that scream love. Not the point. Tonight I got a phone call from her at 9:50. She wanted to let somebody in the family know that my grandfather was in the hospital with congestive heart failure. I gasp and she says..."oh, it's not bad thought!" WTF...shut up woman it is that bad! He was admitted this morning and she forgot to tell anybody until now.

My grandfather has three children and she contacted me. Granted my dad is out of town on the cruise...which by the way he was out of town the last time my grandfather was fighting for his life in the hospital! But back to her for now, after listening to her talk about needing to leave the hospital so she could be home in time for her soap opera, how excited she is to watch a movie she rented and general crap, I finally was able to find out the hospital and the room number of my grandpa.

The plan, I am going to meet the doctors in the morning and try to figure out what is happening...I am going to contact my aunt and uncle to try and give them an update and get some support. And then I am suppose to call her with an update so she knows when I will be bringing my grandpa home. Ugh! My poor grandpa is fighting for his life and his stupid wife is fighting for more t.v. time. Blah!


Shawn said...

Ugh! Good luck with all this.

Sounds like a nightmare of a step-grandma...

Hope your grandpa gets better and kicks her butt!

Kelly O said...

Oh, I'm so sorry about your grandfather! Please keep us posted.

About the blogger blahs, everyone goes through it. No need to get discouraged. I read every post and cheer when you're happy, sympathize when you're down, celebrate your victories. I think you just have to be clear about your goals, what you want to achieve, and who your audience is, even if it's just giving words to your internal dialogue or keeping a handful of web friends posted about your life. Life can be mundane, it's true, but that doesn't mean you have nothing to offer.

Sornie said...

It makes a person wonder how long this uncaring woman waited before taking him to the hospital. People like that suck.

SP said...

I read you and I think you are fabulous!

Good luck with your grandpa. He will be in my prayers.


Unknown said...

I read your blog all the time, I just haven't had time to comment lately! I hope you stick around. I think my blog gets boring sometimes too! And sometimes I think I have way more readers than others...

As far as your grandpa... I am so sorry to hear that. Please keep us posted on his condition.

This Mom said...

I'll be reading...whatever you decide to do.
I really hope your grandpa pulls through this. My step-grandmother was a b*tch too, and we are still resentful that she outlived him. It's just not fair.

karen said...

i will say a prayer for your grandpa...i hope everything goes...well...........and i love ur blog ..but understand if u need a break from it....take care

Unknown said...

wow. soap operas are more important, nice.

I hope you don't stop posting because even if you don't think you are interesting enough, I enjoy reading your posts.

Diva's Thoughts said...

I can not believe her!

Keeper Of All Things said...

That sucks........I say we all send unhappy thoughts to her . You know like a prayer hotline only reverse.

I am sorry to hear about your grandfather......sending him good thoughts .

Lynilu said...

It is sad that people stay together for the wrong reasons. It just makes for a bad situation for everyone. I'm sorry he is ill, that you are doing (what I know you wouldn't *not* do, but ....) *that woman's* job, and that you are alone in it all. But thank goodness you are there!

I hope all goes very well, and I hope he outlives *that woman*. :D

Maurey Pierce said...

I hope everything is okay with Gramps. Grrrr on the new wife!!

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

I have been wanted to respond to this for a long time! I hope that everything has turned out all right.

Come back soon.