Feb 27, 2009

Goodbye Colorado...

Those are the headlines this morning on all of the local television and radio stations, newspapers and in general discussions around all offices. I'm sure for people not living in Colorado they would think that this was such a silly topic to focus all of the energy and emotion on today. We have had two newspapers, Rocky Mountain News and The Denver Post for years and years. Two different formats, different writers, different photos...different everything. And today the Rocky Mountain News is closing their doors. The final edition was printed and delivered to newsstands, grocery stores and sidewalks. I went outside this morning to get my paper and this read the cover in silence. My heart breaks to see the ending come...

Technology has changed the way people receive their information. But I have to admit that i enjoy reading my paper every evening, seeing the historical moments documented in a way that I could never reproduce. My heart breaks for the hundreds of employees were are now unemployed and searching for a place to call home. So for today...I'm going to remember that when I order an actual newspaper it helps to keep hundreds employed. And when I run to the grocery story and consider doing the self-check out...I will wait in line with the others to ensure that I am not eliminating a job.

Most importantly, I am sad to see the newspaper that I grew up with and have loved as an adult close it's doors for good. Goodbye Rocky Mountain News...


WendyB said...

I hate to see a newspaper close down. This is sad.

Shawn said...

OMGOSH!! I lived and modeled in Colorado for years and had my ads all over that newspaper! Sooooo sad!

I see it now, all info. will be right in front of us eventually---we won't have to move to shop, read or even crap, probably.

Although I'll be interested to see how they do that last one over the internet....

Unknown said...

yes. very nicely said. I love our local paper, it's small, full of local kid's achievements, etc...I would heartbroken if it closed its doors.

This Mom said...

I'm sad to see "the Rocky" come to an end. It was always my preferred format to the Post. Thanks for posting about it.

Diva's Thoughts said...

It is sad to see a paper go under like that.

Unknown said...

:( Very sad....

Anonymous said...

I saw that today on the news. So sad.

karen said...

it was so sad when we had to close our newspaper........and sell all the stuff and walk away....
it is so sad that newspapers are going under......big sigh....times are changing and it is hard to roll with the punches and be flexible...but hey there is always the oprah magazine......ha

PancerBali said...

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Whiskeymarie said...

I will subscribe to my mediocre little St. Paul paper as long as they keep printing it. I love sitting on the couch and reading all but the sports section from front to back.

Newspapers are a dying thing, which I find very, very sad.