I started this blog to share my journey. To share my feelings, thoughts, fears and joys in a way that made me feel safe. This space has allowed me to share my ups and downs, write about the random thoughts in my head and I have met some wonderful people...friends. But more than anything I would say that who I am today has changed a lot from the person that I was the day I created this blog. I LOVE this blog and it has truly meant the world to me, but it no longer feels like a safe place to share anything.
I have been thinking about how to let go for awhile and there is no easy answer. I would like to continue reading the blogs that I love and making comments using this handle. I have created a new blog that I hope will give me back that sense of freedom. If you would like to know the name please feel free to email me. But more than anything I want to say good-bye and thanks for being part of my life!