Sep 19, 2010

The day is here

I started this blog to share my journey.  To share my feelings, thoughts, fears and joys in a way that made me feel safe.  This space has allowed me to share my ups and downs, write about the random thoughts in my head and I have met some wonderful people...friends.  But more than anything I would say that who I am today has changed a lot from the person that I was the day I created this blog.  I LOVE this blog and it has truly meant the world to me, but it no longer feels like a safe place to share anything. 

I have been thinking about how to let go for awhile and there is no easy answer.  I would like to continue reading the blogs that I love and making comments using this handle.  I have created a new blog that I hope will give me back that sense of freedom.  If you would like to know the name please feel free to email me.  But more than anything I want to say good-bye and thanks for being part of my life! 


SP said...

I hope you will share your new blog with me. I can't wait to read what you have to say when you feel like you are in a safe place to do so. I've struggled with keeping my blog anonymous for that reason.

This Mom said...

I'd love to be able to follow along on your new blog. Either way, I wish you only the best!

WendyB said...

I would like to keep following you! Email me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com with the info.

Unknown said...

I would love to read your new blog! I will miss you :( You have been a big part of my blogging over the years and I don't want to drift away :(

karen said...

oh please dont go ...if u must i understand please email me ur new blog.....i love reading ur blog.....

Diva's Thoughts said...

I would love to be able to read your other blog. :)

Whiskeymarie said...

Argh! I'm just catching up on blogs and you're gone? If you read this and are OK with me reading the new one, let me know at:
wmpartypants at


Miss X said...

Sorry I haven't kept up well. There's a lot going on in my life right now. But I've enjoyed reading about your life. I'd definitely follow you on a new blog!

K Fenton said...

Hi I just foundyour blog and really liked reading it. Could I read your new blog?

K Fenton said...

Hi, I don't know exactly how this works - I guess I should of given you my email! It's

Caroline said...

Hope you are doing well. Are you still blogging? I would love to read your new blog.