Mar 13, 2015

Who? How?

I have moments of such clarity of who I am and what I'm about.  I'm about honesty, integrity, love, humor, loyalty, family, friends and doing the right thing.  There are also moments when being myself feels like I choose the hard path over and over again.  And yet knowing that I didn't choose my personality.  In fact at times I honestly feel like it picked me.  That it floating around the universe and found my soul and decided to land and make a permeant home.

I believe that everybody should have voice. I believe that if you ask me a question that you are looking for an honest answer.  I believe that if something is wrong or hurtful or not working that it should be said out loud and then addressed a different plan.  And I believe that only I can choose if a person has qualities that I respect and admire or not.  These are some of the things that I know.

But I often wonder why the things I'm about are such a threat or unappealing to some who have no idea who I really am.  And I often wonder when does the day really come when being a strong, honest, direct woman with opinions and open to discussion is not consider a bad word or evil.  Somedays I'm not sure if it will ever come.

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