Apr 20, 2009

How about this?

It's that time of year again...PROM! If you don't work in schools...especially high school, it's easy to forget how all consuming such big events really become. Prom week at my school is advertised and even glorified as the "event of the season" including a different theme day leading up to the big event.

Boys have been wearing tuxedos to school as advertisements in exchange for a free rental on the big night! Girls are talking about their tanning, nail, hair and make-up appointments to make sure that the dresses their parents purchased for hundreds of dollars are displayed correctly. We have speakers coming this week to ensure that good decision making is done by all of those attending prom. And honestly...who isn't attending at this point (their words...not mine)!

And for me, Prom means another night of supervision including time spent in a side room with a bathroom nearby for those students who decided to make Johnny, Jose or Jim their best friend for the night. It also means that I will be working the After Prom event until 5:00 a.m. after a full-day at work, dance and then games. I love staying up late and did that a lot on my recent trip to Vegas. 5:00...that's a breeze! Unless it means you have to actually work until 5:00 a.m. and then it feels like a 72 hour shift!

And on top of all of that...I am still expected to dress the part at the dance! My co-workers are talking about what to wear, getting ready and going shopping. And I even find myself getting sucked into the preparation. And then I remember...THIS IS WORK NOT PROM! So tonight I will be looking searching through my closet trying to figure out what I can wear that will work for such a massive event! And what is washable just in case one of those students decides to throw up their best friend! And in the end...it will be fun for the kids they will clearly learn that the event of the season went by so quickly.


Whiskeymarie said...

I love going out to eat this time of year and seeing all of the promsters out and about. Not because I loved my prom (I didn't), but because they all look so nervous, uncomfortable, and want to appear so "grown up".

But honestly, the amount of energy and money expended in the name of prom these days is kind of shocking. My mom made my dress, and my shoes were vintage- I think the whole outfit cost $30-40.

Man, I'm old.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you still have to dress up for their prom. I'll be thinking of you. Well not through the after-prom - I'm too old to stay up that late :)

Shawn said...

Bring on the limos! I miss my daughters going to prom---they have all moved on, and it will be a while until my little guy goes---so I feel a bit bereft.

Have fun, though---try to wear something comfortable, yet chic---you will look mah-velous!

Unknown said...

girl put your high heels on, play me your favorite song, just let your hair down.


have fun...really...

Diva's Thoughts said...

What a long day for you!! Wow.

I love prom though.

us2 said...

gosh i bet ur feet hurt by the end of the nite.........lets hope they give u some time off for all your hard work..........take care