Today I testified in a discipline hearing for one of my students. It was a first...I have never had to testify before EVER! I had a pre-meeting with the our attorney and reviewed all of the facts and details. Then I walked into the room and whispered to the attorney, "I might throw up from nerves." His advice, "don't" so I walked in and took my seat trying to look as confident as possible. Two hours later I was done answering questions from both attorneys. And I just kept wondering why I was the one on trial. I didn't do anything and the student didn't have to be questioned for more than five minutes. Really???? Is this how the system works? I'm not sure of the outcome yet but I do know that I did the best possible.
But....that isn't the big moment. When I was being crossed examined by their attorney he was trying to quote the policies to me and kept asking why I didn't know the details. "I followed the policies so I can't answer your question," that was all I could say. Then he did some big speech about how I needed to follow the details of the policy and I had failed. And then I opened the policy book and told him to turn to page 6 and following along as I read. I read the part he didn't get and when I was he had no other comments or questions. It was a great moment but the secret is that while I knew the policy was in there I had no idea what page it was listed. So when I flipped that book it just randomly opened to the correct page and while my hands were shaking like crazy I read it out loud. Thank goodness for luck!
I so should have been on Law & Order!
You're never going to believe this. My hubby is a lawyer. I know your pain. I'm an artist and a friend has asked me to identify a painting. I swear to God I know what it is but have no recall, so I'm Googling like a maniac trying to find the answer so I appear halfway intelligent. I haven't found it...but found you!!! Thank God!!! You're killing me. I'm so happy I found you instead. I love this blog and you. I'll be back to read more. Stop by. XO ;)
Sounds like you did well and did your part! You go girl...
gosh how stressful.......i am sure u did fine......
haha, that is awesome...and maybe a little bit of justice and luck on YOUR side!!!
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