Aug 24, 2008

The city is alive!!!!

Denver is full of excitement, energy, celebrities and protesters!!!! The Democratic National Convention is in town and beginning tomorrow. Actually, the energy and excitement started this weekend with the rush of visitors, police visibility and of course a great drink specials at every restaurant and bar in town. It is so exciting to have such a historical moment being held in my neighborhood. The weather is going to be perfect, in the 80's and blue skies! It's a perfect time for this convention.

Each school has received a handful of tickets to allow a few students and adults the opportunity to participate in this political experience. So I volunteered to be an escort and am keeping my fingers crossed that I am able to join in the festivities. But regardless, even if I am not picked to escort, I am planning on taking the scooter downtown in the evenings to participate in as many activities as possible.

Funny story, there was an article in today's newspaper that stated that with all of the boycotts, police caravans and blocked streets, Denverites did not notice Tom Brokaw walking down a main street in the city. That actually gives me hope...hope that the people of Denver are taking this election seriously and not just hoping to bump into a celebrity. Well, maybe one bump might be okay. I read that Oprah Winfrey is renting a house a few blocks away for the week...she paid $60,000 for the week! Doesn't she know that I just finished my remodel project and this would have been a great place to rent! But seriously, I am hopeful. I am so hopeful for all of the good things that this convention will bring our city. I am hopeful for change...I am hopeful that it is time for voters to speak and choose hope, peace and economic relief. And I am truly grateful that I get to experience this exciting event!


WendyB said...

I'm sure you'll have a great time!

Francesca said...

Oh wow! You are definitely lucky to have this experience. I am looking forward to hearing about the whole experience. It is a hugely wonderful time and great opportunity for Americans and American politics. Be careful on that little scooter (I'll have to show you a pic of mine that is waiting for me back at home!) and say hi to Oprah and Obama if ya see them! Wooohoo! xx

PinkPiddyPaws said...

Sounds like fun! Be safe and have a great time.

patsy said...

bad timing and i wasn't able to make it home for this excitment, so will live vicariously thru you! but i totally dropped the ball on having a celebrity rent out my house :(

Unknown said...


karen said...

how exciting............i cant wait to hear more........i hope you are doing great.....have your camera ready in case you see some celebs...take care k

Anonymous said...

For the record... I'm immensely jealous. This would SO never happen in Indianapolis.

Anonymous said...

I saw that was going on in your hometown. Stand in front of the cameras and wave!!

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

Very cool. Enjoy it.

Maybe someday you can rent your house out for the Superbowl or something ;)

Gwen said...

I hope you get in! Sounds like an exciting time to be in Denver.

Moe Wanchuk said...

I emailed John McCain to see if he wanted to go golfing while here in Minnesota next week. I haven't heard back yet, but I'll keep you up.

Anonymous said...

I am really jealous!!!! I'm normally not that into politics, but this election has me feeling very optimistic for change...I really hope it turns out that we all feel that way....

Siana said...

That's pretty awesome. I've always wanted to make it to a Democratic National Convention. And, to think, if you are actually getting to experience history in the making first hand.