Aug 28, 2008

Part of history

Tonight is the final night...the Democratic Convention is coming to an end. And while Barack is getting ready to take the stage it is sunny and a comfortable 79 degrees! The speeches have been inspirational and motivational. The media coverage has been typical and helpful. The energy in Denver is amazing! Last night I rode my scooter into the city and walked through the streets visiting vendors, watching for a glimpse of somebody famous and moving out of the way of the hundreds of police officers. It has been such a great event as a spectator and even better as a member of the community. Denver has embraced the idea of change and I have enjoyed participating in the chaos. Regardless of the outcome, tonight Barack made history...and I feel like I have had the opportunity to experience this major shift in the future.


Moe Wanchuk said...

Hasn't shifted .......yet.

Happy you enjoyed it all. Still waiting for my golf response from McCain.

WendyB said...

Sounds like fun!

Sornie said...

The energy and electricity that has filled Denver this week will make St. Paul feel like either a Klan rally or a funeral. I fail to see how the Republican party can energize people the way that Obama and the rest of the Democratic party has.

Anonymous said...

When Pat Buchanan calls your speech "genuinely outstanding" and "magnificent"... You've done a good job...

McCain should just go up there and say "yeah I accept" and walk off... because if he attempts to use a teleprompter and try to compete with Obama's speech, he'll look like an even bigger than he is...

Dr Zibbs said...

So? Did you see anyone famous? Also, I'm excited the McCain picked a hottie for VP.

Unknown said...

glad you have enjoyed it!

PS...I sent the book out yesterday, did you think I had forgot? :D

Francesca said...

Lucky bum!

Glad you've enjoyed it! xx

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is exciting - but did you eat any good food? Cake? Chocolate? Anything?

Caroline said...

I can only imagine how exciting your city is right now. I think it's awesome that you went downtown to see it for yourself. Have a great weekend.

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

I was lookin' for ya on the TV.

I want a scooter too!