Jun 12, 2008

No more angry eyes

One of my favorite movie scenes if from Toy Story...when Mrs. Potato Head packs Mr. Potato Head's "Angry Eyes" in case there is a fight. When I am sad, angry or have a head ache I furrow my brows without effort. Actually, it's a genetic trait that goes all the way back to my great grandmother. It's not really the kind of trait that you brag about or hope to pass on. And I often look angry when I really am not. There are times that it comes in handy, I am an Assistant Principal after all, but I also think that it makes me look unapproachable and upset.

I had a 35th birthday last week and it came with many tears, fears and worries. So during a cry fest to my best friend, she gave me a concerned look and said, "you know, we really need to do something with those lines between your brows!" Hmmm...not really what I was looking for, but it did take my mind off of the issues I had been crying about. She recovered by saying that it's time to wipe away what doesn't really exist. She doesn't think of me as an angry person and the lines on my face say otherwise. She said, eventually you will want to be out in the world again and I want you to feel good about yourself and see what I see. So her birthday gift...BOTOX!

I know some of you might not think it was such a great gift, but I knew it came from such a true and caring place. So I went to the doctors, put ice between my eyes and then he did it...put a needle in my head and 5 seconds later...Done. It wasn't instant results, and in fact it is suppose to take two weeks before final results. But I want you to know...my angry eyes are gone. No more lines, no more furrow...it's gone. And I'm still able to make expressions with my eyes, just not so extreme. Happy Birthday to me!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to you!!!

Unknown said...

SHUT UP, that is AWESOME...

I love that part of the movie too...*giggle*

Happy belated birthday!

Caroline said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!! We were born exactly one week apart...same year and everything. I hope this is your best year yet.

Anonymous said...

WOW - you go girl!

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

Hey! Happy Birthday and welcome back!

That is a freaking cool friend you've got there.

I have the same brow issue and it runs in my family too. We call it the Lady Family Squint.

Tara said...

Well that's an interesting birthday present! Best friends are really good at being philosophical, aren't they?

I tend to clench my teeth when I have a headache. I'm sure that doesn't help matters.

Tara said...

Oh and your 35th year will be happier!

You should've suggested that on my blog, I would've made you a cyber cake!

One Messed Up Chick said...

This is the month for birthdays, I have one coming next weekend. You have a year on me though, Ill only be 34 LOL That is fricken awesome that you went and did something for yourself! Happy belated birthday!!

WendyB said...

I think that's an awesome gift!

Whiskeymarie said...

Ooh- I have the "furrow" too.
Your friend rocks.
Best.Gift. Ever.

Gwen said...

Awesome gift!

I just turned 39 so trust me when I say you're just getting to the really good part. I have enjoyed the last 4 years of my life so much it should be illegal.