Jul 11, 2008

Hmmm...that's all I can say

I'm sorry that my last post was so gross. It's one of those weeks. I have so much stuff going on and yet I can't get it together to talk about anything. What is that all about? Any suggestions?


Unknown said...

don't worry about gross... it is your blog!

Maybe in time you will be able to blog about what is going on... sometimes it takes awhile to get it all organized in the head!

One Messed Up Chick said...

Youll be able to "blog" about it when the time is right. :)

Caroline said...

Hopefully something will come in the mail that will cheer you up a little. Keep your chin up!!

Stacey said...

do u drink coffee? when i have a coffee and i am home alone i wanna chat chat chat so i blog blog blog....and tell us about your future plans!!!

Diva's Thoughts said...

Sometimes its just hard to find the right words.

Anonymous said...

A bottle a tequila will help :)

R said...

Where you been chica? All okay? I have missed chatting!! Day by day my friend, that is all we can do. Day by day.

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

How's the house rehab going?

Unknown said...

please, my blog sometimes is diarrehea of the mouth, er fingers or whatever...sometimes just typing and typing make it all come flowing out then I can go back and edit. :)

I hope you are well.

Renaissance Woman said...

Meg - I still love the gross story. And I'm trying to organize my thoughts.

Rainbow - thank you.

Caroline - got the package...love it!

Stacey - don't like coffee but I like the idea! I am going to blog about future plans soon.

Diva - you have said it best!

Sue - On my second bottle...where are the words!

R - it is a day by day process.

Lady - Welcome back...I'll update soon on the bathroom.

Stacie - thanks for the advice.

Dr Zibbs said...

If that pic has sound effects it would be, ahhhhhhhhhh.